Word Of the Week 1st Anniversary
April 22, 2009 by Susan Clarke · Comments Off on Word Of the Week 1st Anniversary
Reader Responses
“Your WOW messages have been real messages that can be used in every day life, including our busy schedules in our careers. I have found them extremely enjoyable and always look forward to reading them. Your messages are like “Chicken Soup” for those in Hospitality Management!
It is also “fun” to reply back when I have been touched by one of your messages or I when I identify with them, through a real life experience I have had. It is hard to believe a year has gone bye already……..WOW!” — Don Vance
“Thanks a lot for all of your positive thoughts. I enjoy getting them and often share them with my staff, using an example of something that has happened recently in our office or department.” — Mark T. Ingram
“Congratulations! Let’s have Champagne to celebrate a successful year of stimulation and motivation. Thanks for your support and encouragement. You are giving us Managers a handy tool to work with. It leads to discussions and sharing of viewpoints. We grow together!” — Kurt J. Bishofberger
“Keep up the WOW’s. I share them with my management team every Thursday at our weekly managers meetings.” — Ronald A. Banaszak
“I can’t wait for your WOW book to be published. I have alot of your WOW words displayed prominently all around my desk! They constantly help me be a better Cookie Lee consultant, as well as a better mom, friend, wife and person in general. Thank-you for all of the inspiration that you’ve brought into my life!” — Cindy Lowen
“I soooo enjoy your “WOW’s”!!! you are quite the WOW yourself!” — Carolyn Elliott
“I love your weekly letter – keep me on your list and put me first in line for your book. Thank you for your insights that are always profound and on target.” — Charles Vandenberg
“WOW! Congratulations! It’s been an uplifting experience for the mind and emotions. Now if you could just do the same for the body, life would be well balanced. Thinking positive and expecting miracles from you dear friend.” — Elaine Hall
“Happy Anniversary to you on your WOW project. I enjoy receiving them and pass them on to our Management on a regular basis. I am still pushing to have you do a Presentation for our Customer Service Specialists and think your CD Preview Presentation would be great to provide our Management Team. Please put me on the waiting list and I will be looking forward to seeing it soon. Thanks so much for all you do to make Customer Service a better experience in our lives!”
— Lee Sowers
“I have enjoyed you WOW they have been inspirational. Hope you are well and things are going well. I enjoyed visiting last summer. My life has been crazy since. I always think of you going south on the freeway in the BMW as I turned north.” — Ken Webster
“I look forward to your WOWs every week. By the way, you will notice the CCM (Certified Club Manager) initials after my name. That is one of the goals I said I wanted to accomplish many years ago when I saw you here in Pittsburgh. You sound like you are extremely busy. I hope you are still having fun.” — Joseph A. Papalia
“Congratulations on your One Year Anniversary for WOW. I am impressed with your follow-up and tenacity with regards to the program. I read every e-mail that comes to me and I appreciate the consistency of your presentation. Your enthusiasm and interest in our professional success is greatly appreciated and has helped both my Professional Staff and I develop better customer service principles. Keep up the great work, I look forward to the future editions of the “WOW Word of the Week.”
— Michael E. Weiler
“Congratulations! It seems just like yesterday I was getting my WOW! e-mails. Thank you for sending them. They were expecially important for me to look at during the work day. They were all great reminders to me of what is important in the HERE AND NOW! Continued success to you. You are a dynamo. Keep up the great work. All the best!” — Joe Moran.