FUN-Travel: Scottburgh, South Africa – Sardine Run
July 28, 2019 by Susan Clarke · Comments Off on FUN-Travel: Scottburgh, South Africa – Sardine Run
- Yesterday supposed to be a cage dive from a boat…turns out to be Zodiak and scuba diving…not at all what was expected or requested! Water still very rough & hard to make it through swells… 40 + minutes of attempts finally get through…then one massive wave & we slammed down hard…compacted the vertebra in my spine!
- Baited shark dive…attempt to snorkel but water to murky…last 30 minutes. Ride back much easier…cancelled ocean safari for today.
Not so FF – Told Sardine Run is 4 + hours south but heading to Durban…hired a driver hoping maybe today we could see it from shore here. But no such luck! Oh well…
FUN-Travel: Durban, South Africa – Sardine Run
July 22, 2019 by Susan Clarke · Comments Off on FUN-Travel: Durban, South Africa – Sardine Run
- In high hopes of experiencing Sardine Run…
…the Greatest Shoal on Earth…
…rough seas & high winds cancel today’s ocean safari…
…so instead depart for drive to Midlands Meander.
- 1st Stop – Nelson Mandela Capture Site…
…Museum & Freedom Walk Sculptures…
…include Amazing Mandela depiction…
…created with 50 laser-cut metal beams…
…between 20 & 31 ft in height…
…& covering a width of almost 98 ft.
- 2nd Stop – Piggly Wiggly…
…features local artists shops at the Highgate Wine Estate…
…with gorgeous views of the vineyards & the mighty Midlands…
…in Drakensberg mountain region.
- 3rd Stop – Howick Falls (Victoria Falls of South Africa) cascades over cliffs at 311 ft.
FUN-fact – As the sun changes its position above the monument, the effect of the tall beams on the ground also changes. This is the largest artwork using this methodology of laser-cut metal beams in the country.
Not so FF – Nelson Mandela spent 27 years as a political prisoner.