Word-Of-the-Week #774: Receptive

June 6, 2019 by · Comments Off on Word-Of-the-Week #774: Receptive 

Receptive willing or inclined to receive suggestions or information. 

How willing are you to receive suggestions? If new updated information comes to you how receptive are you to accepting it? Would you say the company you work for is open and receptive to suggestions or new information?

My dear friend, speaker buddy, and mentor Gloria has given me great “Words of Wisdom” over the years that I found to be very timely and helpful. She would always start by saying, “If you are receptive…”

Sometimes I would answer, “No. I’m just not feeling that today.” And then giggle. She has been a great teacher and I a great student. In order to learn and grow you need to be receptive to new ideas or different ones. As the saying goes, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

I got lots of positive responses to the past couple of WOW’s and felt they were worth sharing. That’s of course if you’re receptive!

This from my sister Lurene, “I think if everything in our life was certain it would be boring. The Buddha says, “Life is uncertain, death is certain.” I had a Yoga Master tell me that quote in one of my very first yoga classes and said “If you came here, to this class with certain expectations – wait – you might leave with something much different or better – be open.” 

And this from long time subscriber Joe, “Fear can be used as a crutch to not try anything or go beyond one’s abilities to change and better oneself. It can be an excuse. But when we actually go into the arena to attempt something that no one else will, regardless of the consequences, that allows us to conquer whatever fears we have in this life. 

The unfortunate thing in this life is that so many people fear death so much, that they don’t LIVE”. 

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself!” – FDR 

On Comprehension Joe had this to say,“These skimming habits don’t allow us to really sit down and take our time reading a newspaper, magazine or even books. It is too bad, really, because in the process we lose the basic communication skills we need to connect with our fellow man. 

Too many people today, especially the young, need to stop looking down and start looking up, or they will miss life.”  

This week’s focus is on being receptive. Is there an area in your life where you’d like to see different results? Do you have a good friend or mentor who can help you with that? Could you be more open to receiving suggestions or information?

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