FUN-travel: New 7 Wonders of the World Runner Up – Neuschwanstein Castle
January 13, 2014 by Susan Clarke · Comments Off on FUN-travel: New 7 Wonders of the World Runner Up – Neuschwanstein Castle
Neuschwanstein Castle FUN-facts
- It was built from 1869 to 1886 by King Ludwig II.
- He died mysteriously and building ceased.
- He only lived there for 172 days.
- It was only 1/3 complete.
- It was designed by a stage painter – not an architect.
- It had gravity fed fresh water & sewer systems.
- It is built over the ruins of 2 medieval castles.
More FF – Rumor has it he was spending way too much money & was declared insane. The next day he and his psychiatrist were found drowned in a Munich lake
– It was the inspiration for Sleeping Beauty & Disneyland castles.
– It’s a New 7 Wonders of the World runner up and #17 on our list of the 21 vying for it.
- In the summer of 2007, more than 90 million people cast their votes to determine which architectural marvels in the world deserved to be one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. There were a total of twenty-one landmarks vying for that title.
- Of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World, only the Great Pyramids in Giza, Egypt still stand. The pyramids were given an automatic spot after infuriated Egyptian officials said it was a disgrace to have to compete for something that had belonged to their country for so long. I agree! We saw them in 2007.
- It is our goal to see all twenty-one landmarks. Also, Chris and I have collectively seen a lot of the twenty-one, however, not together. So the rule is, “If you’ve been there but not together, it doesn’t count.”
New 7 Wonders of the World we’ve been to:
#1 Chichen Itza, Mexico – 2005
#2 Great Wall of China – 2010
#3 Machu Picchu, Peru – February, 2012
#4 Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro – February, 2012
#5 The Coliseum – Rome, Italy – August, 2012
#6 Petra, Jordan – March, 2013
#7 The Taj Mahal – Agra, India – TBA
New 7 Wonders of the World Runner Ups we’ve been to:
# 9 Statue of Liberty, New York – 2005
#10 Sydney Opera House, Australia – 2005
#11 Hagia Sophia, Istanbul – 2007
#12 Acropolis, Athens – 2007
#13 Angkor Wat, Cambodia – 2010
#14 Eiffel Tower, Paris – 2010
#15 Stonehenge, England – 2011
#16 Alhambra, Spain – August, 2012
#17 Easter Island, Chile – February, 2013
#18 Neuschwanstein Castle – Füssen, Germany – September, 2013
#19 The Kremlin, Moscow – TBA
#20 Kiyomizu Temple – Kyoto, Japan – TBA
#21 Timbuktu – Mali, Africa – TBA (may never happen due to current civil war)