Word-Of-the-Week #945: Options

September 15, 2022 by  

Options – the act of making choices and decisions. 

How easy is it for you to make a choice or decision? Do you like having more than one option? 

This is the follow up to last week’s WOW on P.M.S. Today I will share with you the 3rd FUN-damental to get you started on the “Positive Attitude Programming Process” that I have come with over the years that work for me and the people that have attended my speaking presentations.

So now, how do you psyche yourself up when you have to do, or deal with something that isn’t pleasant, FUN, or that you just plain don’t like doing? First you make the choice to either love it or hate it. What I do is think of how much worse my situation could be. (Somebody always has it better than you and many, many, many more have it worse than you.)

  • FUN-damental #3 – Mary Poppins Principle

“A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down.”

My forever man and husband Chris had a job that entailed meetings every day. Now that would drive me nuts, but hey it was his job and he loved it. When we first started dating I remember him telling me one evening about the next day’s meetings he had and he said, “Oh man, (heavy sighing) I have that @#*@ meeting tomorrow.” As it turned out, he only had that meeting once a month. And guess what he said the following month the night before that meeting? Oh man, (heavy sighing) I have that @#*@ meeting tomorrow.” Well, clearly we had a pattern here. And that would be a “negative pattern.”

So the next month when he said, “Oh man, (heavy sighing) I have that @#*@ meeting tomorrow.” My reply to him was, “What are you talking about? You LOVE that meeting. It’s your favorite one!” And he looked and smiled and laughed. That was the beginning of his “positive attitude programming process” with regard to that meeting. And every month when the dreaded @#*@ meeting happened, he then said with delight in his voice, and maybe a bit of sarcasm too, “Oh boy, I have my favorite meeting tomorrow!

And the point is – You make a “Conscious Choice” by choosing to not let those meetings or things you have to do be a drag and set yourself up with a “bad attitude.”

This week’s focus is on your options. Are there any parts of your job that tend to be a drag? Have you ever thought of changing your thoughts about it? How would it feel to “love something” that you haven’t liked before?

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