Word-Of-the-Week #708: Behavior

March 1, 2018 by  

Behaviorhow you act or conduct yourself, especially toward others. 

How kind and respectful are you of others’ feelings? Do you have an urge to tell others how they should behave? Would you agree that our society could use more respect for common sense and common decency in the treatment of others?

This week features the second half of the UT article by Phil Blair, “Having good manners always matters – in and out of the office.” He writes, “Simply stated, having good manners is essential, a “must-have” for the workplace – any place, really. 

What follows is a sampling of “do’s” and “don’ts” that you should and shouldn’t do. Believe me, there are plenty more. 

6) Don’t spread gossip: Idle or otherwise, true or not, spreading gossip can be toxic. By its very nature, gossip is meant to be hurtful, so it’s best left unspoken, especially at work. You wouldn’t want anyone to talk about you behind your back, would you? 

7) Do resist the urge to tell others how to behave: Doesn’t matter if you’re right and they’re wrong. Nobody likes to be told how to live their lives. Besides, what gives you the right to tell others? Nothing, unless you’re asked first. Then be kind and respectful of others’ feelings. 

8) Don’t be a whiner: Even if you have plenty to whine about. No one wants to hear your complaints, unless you voice them in a responsible way, usually through the HR department. If you have valid complaints, go through proper channels. 

9) Do keep your work area as uncluttered as possible: Perhaps you recall the famous quote of Laurence J. Peter, guru of the “Peter Principle,” who supposedly said: “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” His desk must’ve been a total mess. Who’d want to share an office with him? 

10) Don’t mindlessly check your smart phone when someone is speaking to you or when you should be paying attention: That’s one of my pet peeves and we’re all guilty. I’ve done it myself. Sad to say, constantly checking and re-checking our emails, texts and phone messages during business meetings and casual conversations is one of those bad manners that seems unlikely to change. 

  • On a more serious note, our national workplace culture lately has been shaken by bad behavior – and its consequences — that goes way beyond simply bad manners. Let’s hope a healthier respect for common sense and common decency in the treatment of others begins to take shape. 

With good manners leading the way.”

This week’s focus is on your behavior. What kind of an example are you setting? Are you guilty of mindlessly checking your smart phone when someone is speaking to you or when you should be paying attention? Are you the one leading the way with good manners? 

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