FUN-travel: A Lucky in Day Leh!

November 1, 2016 by  

  • Snake like narrow roads…

…lead to monasteries…

…perched high atop the hills…

…clinging to the steep bluffs.


1st Monastery Monks…almost hidden in a courtyard corner…

…in total concentration…

…harmonizing their flute duet…

…for the festival


2nd Monastery Monks…almost three dozen…20161031_124026_002_resized

…fill the central courtyard…

…rehearsing their meditative dance moves…

…for their upcoming festival

  • Brightly colored…

…blue-eyed Buddha’s take center stage…

…surrounded by vivid fresco paintings…

…amid freshly white washed walls.

  • Thick puffs of smoke rise…

…a strong smell of burning incense…

…wafts through the air…

…so strong at times…

…it makes it difficult to breathe.

FUN-fact: We came upon a group of village women returning from a funeral that were as happy to see us as we were of them!
