WOW Word-Of-the-Week #336: Lollygag

January 10, 2011 by · Comments Off on WOW Word-Of-the-Week #336: Lollygag 

Lollygag – to waste time by puttering aimlessly; dawdle.

Do you know anybody that dawdles? Do you ever lollygag? Did you see the movie Bull Durham? That is one of my all time favorite movies!

When I was writing last week’s WOW on believe, it brought to mind the scene where Crash Davis (Kevin Costner) is in the home of Annie Savoy (Susan Sarandon). She picks one player each season for her lover. She hasn’t decided between Crash and “Nuke” Laloosh (Tim Robbins) saying that it has to do with Quantum Physics.

At that point Crash gets up and says, “I don’t believe in Quantum Physics when it comes to matters of the heart.” He then goes into a long dialogue about everything he believes in. The last line of which I can quote by memory, “I believe in long, slow, soft, deep, wet kisses that last three days.” To which Annie sighs deeply.

There are so many great lines in the movie but the one that always cracks me up is when the coach yells for all of the players to get in the shower immediately after losing their 12th game. He then says, “You lollygag the ball around the infield. You lollygag to first base. You lollygag in and out of the dugout.” He then says, “You know what that makes you?” To which his right hand man behind him (who parrots everything he says throughout the movie) answers “A bunch of lollygaggers.”
This week think about what lollygagging means to you. Do you know that it’s OK to do that? You could rent Bull Durham and lollygag while you watch it! Beware though, it is Rated R.

Reader Responses

“I love to lollygag !! I try to spend a little time each day lollygaging !!  I enjoy lollygaging. That was a favorite term of my mother’s.” – Katie

“Bull Durham” is still one of the best sports comedies around, right up there with the late Paul Newman’s “Slap Shot.” I guess that I have had so much responsibility in my lifetime that I have not lollygagged much, if at all. I have known people, including best friends who are big-time lollygaggers. The best time for me to lollygag is on Saturday and Sunday mornings, when I just want to take my time with a cup of black coffee and peruse the morning paper. No rush. No need to go anywhere or be anywhere at a certain time. So that is usually my lollygag time. Or just watching the football playoff games. During the week, I have too many things to take care of with the girls, work and the house to waste time. When things have to be done, I can’t procrastinate because they have to be done. I lollygag just enough, based on my schedule. Maybe I should lollygag just a little bit more. But you know, I would probably feel guilty. I am not a good lollygagger. Thank you, Susan. Have a great week. We are hoping not to get snowed in tonight. Take care. – “Warrior” Joe

WOW Word-Of-the-Week #335: Believe

January 3, 2011 by · Comments Off on WOW Word-Of-the-Week #335: Believe 

Believe – personal faith, confidence, or trust.

Do you believe that the majority of people are inherently good? Do you believe in karma? Do you believe “you are what you think you are?”

During this Holiday Season I saw the word “believe” a lot. Macy’s used it in their print ads. Then Oprah was featured in the Sunday Parade Magazine on December 26th. She is launching her new Cable network, OWN, which stands for the Oprah Winfrey Network.

When asked by the interviewer Lynn Sherr, “What will you perceive as a failure?” Oprah responded by saying, “What will be a failure is if nobody comes and watches this network. What others will perceive as failure is if some shows don’t succeed. I’m concerned about the bigger overall picture: my belief that people are basically good and want to see the good in them reflected through their experiences and the shows that they watch. This is a gamble I’m taking. I believe that the banal state of television, the kind of insipid space that we’re in – that you can have as many channels as we have and not find anything that really interests you – means that to a great extent we’ve lost our way.”

Well, I personally don’t watch much television at all. How about you? I do watch a lot of movies. And if you would have bet me ten years ago that I would be watching and enjoying the Discovery Channel I would have lost! I have only seen the Oprah Show a half a dozen times over the years but always liked her style and content. I certainly like the idea of having the option to watch shows that have some redeeming quality. Not just mindless stuff, which frankly I think most television, is.

What do you think? Do you believe that people are basically good and want to see the good in them reflected through their experiences and the shows that they watch? Do you find that with all the channel options you have you can’t find anything that really interests you?

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