Word Of the Week #53: Addiction
April 22, 2009 by Susan Clarke
Addiction: devotion, strong inclination, or frequent indulgence.
Would you agree that some words automatically have a negative connotation? Many words have multiple meanings. Take the word committed for example!
Could it be possible to have a positive addiction? In the movie titled, “What The bleep Is Going On?”, they say that love is a form of addiction. Now I ask you, is that a bad thing?
Well, it could be if the person you love is harmful to you. And what I mean by that is, if they are abusive, demeaning, belittling, etc. That your behavior changes as a result of being connected to them.
But what if you love someone that actually motivates you to be a better person. Someone who holds themselves in high esteem and as a result of that, holds you in high esteem, treats you with respect, kindness, adoration, etc. Is that a bad thing?
This week focus on those things in your life that you have an enthusiastic devotion for and love to frequently indulge in. Are they harmful to you or helpful to you?
Reader Responses
“I agree with you that addiction can go either way. In terms of relationships, commitment might be a better word. Fortunately, my wife and I are committed to each other. Because our personalities are different, we complement each other and bring out the best in each other. What she brings to our marriage relationship has made me a much better person overall. I am blessed to have Kristen Janet in my life. She feels the same way. And we share the blessings we have with our three-year-old Erin Grace. As I have told my wife, I would not be where I am today without her help. So, I think commitment is a better word here than addiction. The biggest problem with addiction is that the addicted one does not really see the faults of the other person; or simply ignores them altogether. That can be, in extreme cases, deadly. In relationships, whether they be personal or professional, we have to be able to see the forest for the trees. If we ignore the warning signs, we will be in trouble. When we are addicted, we can’t see the warning signs. That is how I view addictions.” — Joe Moran