Word Of the Week #1: Attitude
March 29, 2009 by Susan Clarke
Attitude: a persistent disposition to act either positively or negatively.
I believe being positive or negative is a habit. The first hour of your day is reflective of how the rest of your day will be.”
Are you choosing to start your day with persistently positive thoughts or choosing persistently negative thoughts?
Attitude is what you display to the world! Spend this week focusing on what message you’re sending.
My first experience with WOW was when I worked for the Houlihan’s restaurant chain. At every preshift meeting the managers would share a word or thought for the week. We heard it every day, and it was our focus for the week. I found it fun and very helpful when it came to serving my guests. And since we all serve someone, our customers, our family and our friends, I hope you find it helpful and fun too!
Reader Responses
“Kristen, our two-year-old Erin Grace, and I just came back from a few days in Door County to celebrate our eighth wedding anniversary. I have to say that my attitude coming back to work was positive. While it is overcast today and I am still feeling a bit under the weather, I looked forward to coming back to work and getting in the groove just before the weekend. We had wonderful weather in Door County, even though it was cooler than normal for this time of year. In addition to positive attitude, I believe the word relationships is important to remember. Relationships are what make our lives what they are. As I write this, I have a smile on my face. The big thing I have learned over the past 20 years is to be grateful for what I HAVE and count those blessings every day.” — Joe Moran
“You are the BEST!!!!! I love all of your stuff and post it weekly!” — Mark Updike