Do You Know How To Have FUN At Work?
March 28, 2009 by Susan Clarke
Work is supposed to be fun. It’s up to you to create an environment that allows your staff and managers to have fun and be excited about their jobs. I say if you’re not having fun, then you’ve probably made the wrong choice. Transforming your attitude and making the choice to make work fun is the power of positive programing . The key is to constantly focus on and reinforce the positives. Because the reality is, most people tend to focus on the negative. Too many times my experience has been that the person serving me acts like they’re “doing time.” It’s as if the sheriff pulled up, handcuffed them and brought them in to “do their time”– they’re prisoners. The question is, are you the jailer? Your positive or negative behavior directly affects all those people around you. And their positive or negative affects you as well. We all have attitudes based on our belief systems and what I’m talking about is whether you’re persistently positive or persistently negative during the course of your day. How do you start the positive programming process?
I’m convinced the first step is to have tons of PMS. Now, there’s two kinds of PMS: positive and negative. My girlfriend Susan’s husband says that negative PMS means “pack my suitcase.” And I say that the positive means “Positive Mental Spirit.” I’m convinced that PMS is like a giant bubble around your body and it’s invisible. The more good karma you have, the fuller it gets. You’ve got to protect and keep nurturing that bubble with positive thoughts. I know from firsthand experience there are people out there whose only mission in life is to try to mess with your bubble. You’ve heard the expression, “Don’t let that person burst your bubble.” Which is why you’ve got to keep your bubble full at all times. And full of positives, not negatives. Some people have toxic waste and excess baggage in their bubbles. Which kind of PMS do you exhibit and which kind do the people you work with exhibit?
So, how do you psyche yourself up when you have to do, or deal with something that isn’t pleasant or that you don’t like doing?
First you make the choice to either love it or hate it. What I do is think of how much worse my situation could be. I have a friend whose job entails meetings every day. Now that would drive me nuts, but hey it’s his job and he loves it. One morning in a phone conversation when I asked what he had going on, he said, “Oh my gosh, (heavy sighing) it’s not good because today is the @#*@ meeting.” My reply to him was, “What are you talking about? You LOVE those meetings, those are your favorites!” To this day, once a month the dreaded @#*@ meeting happens, but now he says with delight in his voice, “ Oh boy, my favorite meeting is today! I LOVE @#*@!
The point is, he has made a conscious choice to not let those meetings be unpleasant and set himself up for a bad day. So, how do you have fun at work? What thoughts are you choosing to fill your mind with today? And last but not least, for those of you who employ Generation X or Y (those born after 1964) they expect to have FUN at work!