Word Of the Week #21: TeamPlay
April 20, 2009 by Susan Clarke · Comments Off on Word Of the Week #21: TeamPlay
TeamPlay: persons joined together by work or activity who have FUN!
Does work seem easier and more fun when you have someone to work along side with you? When you need help, do your co-workers pitch in? When your co-workers need help, are you there for them?
Research shows that when you work as a team, you get more done, you gain new ideas, complete them in less time, and you have more FUN! That is synergy!
In Mark Sandborn’s book, “TeamBuilt,” he says, “Working as a team is a double win. Employers and employees both profit! It gives employees more control over there work lives and creates commitment by getting them involved in the decision-making process. When these things happen, the bottom line is almost certain to improve.”
This week focus on either leading your team or being part of the team. Look for ways to help others. Come up with ideas that you can share that will give your customers, members, guests better service. See if you can create synergy so that everybody wins!
Reader Responses
“It is amazing what team work can accomplish. At one of my previous assignments at a very prestigious Country Club, the GM decided out of the blue to announce to the members via the Club’s newsletter that there was no more automatic tipping in the grill. WOW, that was a bomb! Sensing a revolution by my service staff and a possible walk-out, I approached the key senior waiter and asked him to work with me as to getting the team convinced to give the new (crazy) idea a shot/opportunity. He did just that and spoke to his fellow servers telling them of the possible advantages of the new policy. Low and behold, they listened to him and went along with the program (what a relief!) only to find out that the members actually were willing to tip more than what they did in the past; the team appreciated the involvement by one of their peers rather than the manager coming down hard and giving them an ultimatum. I tell this story with a smile on my face. Share success!” — Kurt Bishofberger
“Thank you for your WOW motivation inspiration. Just a short note to tell you how I did a little motivational session for our senior staff here at Glenmoor last year.We are a private country club with a signature Jack Nicklaus Golf Course and 75 hotel rooms set in a secured living area. I used the title of “WOWing your Members and Guests”. Started with the first WOW using the Guard Gate Personnel being friendly and helpful and guests arriving and driving getting their first WOW from the guards. From their went to the valets, reception, locker room attendants, food and beverage, Golf Shop and talked about each WOW in their area. But most important I did not leave out the behind the scene personnel, for example, the grounds crew, cooks, housekeeping, accounting, building maintenance because our WOW’s couldn’t be possible without them. I then tossed individual bags of WOW potato chips to everyone and it turned out to be so much fun. We have so many WOW’s to WOW people with and the bottom line is if all of us work as the team we strive to be we will always be WOWing our guests! Just sharing with you and when I received your e-mail this a.m. it brought a smile to my face and it reminded me of my WOW presentation.” — Sandy Geib
“”…without my TEAM; I have no GAME! Thanks for the reminder – cheers!” — Michelle