Word-Of-the-Week #787: Interested
September 5, 2019 by Susan Clarke · Comments Off on Word-Of-the-Week #787: Interested
Interested – wanting to give your attention to something and discover more about it; curiosity.
When was the last time you wanted to know or learn about something? How motivated were you to follow through and actually do it? Are you naturally curious?
Once again, Steve Strauss, author of STEVE’S 3-MINUTE COACHING, sent a very thought provoking piece!
Great Question: Interested?
(Great questions lead to great answers; weak questions, weak ones.)
“What interests me?”
Coaching Point: It has become popular to talk about passion. “What are you passionate about?” “Without passion life is dull.” “Follow your passion.” Passion has a point, but it can become consuming and draining. To be Interested is on Passion’s scale, just not so intense.
What’s it like when you’re interested in something – an event, a person, an activity, an item? Interested has its own energy. It creates focus. It can engage others.
When you’re interested you’ll investigate and learn. (Some of you are ‘wired’ to learn, so you can’t help it!) Discovery is a byproduct. Much is created from the simple motivation interest provides.
Interest is ‘clean,’ usually not needy or coming from a place of scarcity. And self-motivating. It’s healthy to think about what interests you.
“What does interest you?“
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Copyright © 2019 Steve Straus, All rights reserved.
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Word-Of-the-Week #773: Trepidation
May 30, 2019 by Susan Clarke · Comments Off on Word-Of-the-Week #773: Trepidation
Trepidation – a state of fear or anxiety.
How often have you felt trepidation? Is there something you need to confront that you just don’t want to do? How would it feel to just deal with it so it’s all over and done with?
Once again, Steve Strauss, author of STEVE’S 3-MINUTE COACHING, sent a very thought provoking piece!
Great Question: Fear To Hear?
(Great questions lead to great answers; weak questions, weak ones.)
“What do I fear to hear?” (Or see?) (Or experience?)
Coaching Point: This S3MC surfaced when I recently realized I was avoiding having a necessary, but probably unpleasant, conversation. As I projected the thought of it onto the future the imagined emotional energy felt really uncomfortable. Simply put, I didn’t want to experience it. So there I was, uncomfortable in what-was-so right now, yet unwilling to experience the (imagined) greater discomfort of having the conversation.
And that’s the key to moving forward – notice the cost of what you fear to hear (see/experience) and know it will continue to accrue until you act. The longer you delay taking action the greater the cumulative cost.
Of course, one time, long ago and far away, you put off taking action on an issue and it resolved itself. “Maybe it’ll magically happen again,” you tell yourself. Really? ‘Maybe’ is a winning strategy?
Not for people leading highly successful lives. They have learned the cumulative cost of putting off what they fear to hear is far greater than the cost of action.
Where in your past have you experienced the truth of this?
See all past issues and subscribe here Steve’s 3-Minute Coaching
Copyright © 2019 Steve Straus, All rights reserved.
This week’s focus is dealing with trepidation. How often have you put off doing or saying something that needs to be done? Is the cumulative cost affecting your emotional well being? How would it make you feel to take action and resolve it?
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Word-Of-the-Week #748: Opinion
December 6, 2018 by Susan Clarke · Comments Off on Word-Of-the-Week #748: Opinion
Opinion – a judgment or belief not founded on certainty or proof.
Do you trust your own judgment? Are you bothered when others what to share their opinion? Have you ever questioned why that is?
Steve Strauss, author of STEVE’S 3-MINUTE COACHING, once again has great insight to share.
Quote: The Opinions of Others
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement or enlightenment.)
“Don’t let the opinions of the average man sway you.
Dream, and he thinks you’re crazy.
Succeed, and he thinks you’re lucky.
Acquire wealth, and he thinks you’re greedy.
Pay no attention. He simply doesn’t understand.”
– Robert Allen
Coaching Point: What is so compelling about the opinions of others? Why do we let them affect us so much? Can’t we trust ourselves?
This week is all about understanding what an opinion is. It’s just someone else’s belief. It doesn’t make it right or wrong. How would it feel to listen without being emotional? And vice versa, how would it feel to express your opinion without getting emotional? How it easy would it be for you to say, “It’s just their opinion”?
And if you want more, check out Opinions Are Like Belly Buttons.
I LOVE feedback! Join my Facebook community on my FUN-damentals Fan Page.
Word-Of-the-Week #684: Uncertainty
September 14, 2017 by Susan Clarke · Comments Off on Word-Of-the-Week #684: Uncertainty
Uncertainty – the state of being unsure of something.
Does uncertainty make you feel uncomfortable? Do you feel a need to be in control all the time? How much time do you spend worrying about the future?
Steve Strauss, author of STEVE’S 3-MINUTE COACHING, once again has great insight to share.
Great Fear: Uncertainty
(Great fears are barriers to experiencing your real life.)
[There are countless fears, yet few are of the level of the Great Fears. A Great Fear is noted by its commonness and its effect; it shows up in a large part of society and can have a numbing effect on one’s happiness.]
Life is uncertain. The next moment is uncertain. Always has been. Always will be. That may not be comfortable, but it is so.
Some people try to counter this Great Fear of Uncertainty by pretending to be in control. How’s that worked out for them?
When it doesn’t they do the blame game, blaming others, or even more damaging, blaming themselves for not being smarter/more aware/more cautious/less trusting/and such. Blaming, themselves or others, blinds and binds.
A healthier approach is to give up imagining you have your hand on the tiller of the Universe. You don’t, so letting go of the illusion is easy.
Uncertainty, unchecked, can feel uncomfortable. If you think you don’t have control of how you feel, it’s because of some conditioning or programming in your mind. You may not be aware of the many simple tools and techniques available today to let you ‘change your mind and keep the change’!
Coaching Point: When you were 6 years old, playing in the sandbox, life was just as uncertain as it is now – and you loved playing in that uncertainty! Discovering, wandering, and wondering. What would happen if you chose to take that approach now?
Copyright © 2017 Steve Straus, All rights reserved.
This week is all about uncertainty. How does it feel to be on the playground of life? Do you find excitement in discovering new things? How would it feel to embrace the uncertainty of life with enthusiasm?
I LOVE feedback! Join my Facebook community on my FUN-damentals Fan Page.
Word-Of-the-Week #664: Genius
April 27, 2017 by Susan Clarke · Comments Off on Word-Of-the-Week #664: Genius
Genius – a person with exceptional ability, esp of a highly original kind.
Are you aware of the talents you possess? Have you kept track of the times you had an inspiration that was incredibly original? Did you know it was genius or did you assume you “just got lucky?”
Steve Strauss, author of STEVE’S 3-MINUTE COACHING, once again has great insight to share.
Quote: Genius
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement or enlightenment.)
“Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see.” – Arthur Schopenhauer
Coaching Point: Many people never know their talents and never practice them into strengths. Most highly successful people have developed their talents and use them, thus hit targets others can’t.
But talents have their outer limits. That’s because they’re about what you are in the world of form – your learning, memory, thoughts, processing speed and capabilities, the ‘stuff’ inherent to your physical and mental presence, your intellect.
Genius comes from other than that. Genius is commonly thought to be about ‘smarts,’ but it’s not. Genius is in the ah-ha, the flash of insight, the inspiration. Genius is non-linear. It’s about a highly developed awareness, an openness to receiving, and an absence of programmed mental barriers.
Everyone has had flashes of inspiration, thus everyone has experienced genius. But nearly everyone then assumes it was a passing phenomenon and they just got lucky. They wouldn’t realize that what happened is for a brief moment they ‘got out of their mind’ and opened up to genius.
What if you assumed you had complete and total access to all the information and wisdom of the universe? Would you then realize that you, too, are a genius, hitting targets no one else can see?
— Copyright 2017 Steve Straus. All rights reserved. — See all past issues from Steve and subscribe here.
This week’s focus is genius. How highly developed is your awareness? Have you ever seen things that no else could see? Did you see the movie The Founder? If not, I suggest you watch it, as I think Ray Kroc was a true genius when he saw the potential of McDonalds!
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