Word-Of-the-Week #715: Calm
April 19, 2018 by Susan Clarke · Comments Off on Word-Of-the-Week #715: Calm
Calm – not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions.
How easy is it for you to be calm in a disagreement? How receptive are you to hearing another person’s perspective? Can you disagree without being disagreeable?
This is the second half of “Thanks for the conflict! Recognizing—and appreciating—when a co-worker fights fair” by Deborah Grayson Riegel. To recap, “Workplace conflict is inevitable.You are going to come up against people who challenge your ideas and who challenge you.
That’s a good thing. Disagreements can lead to diversity of thinking, improvements in products and services and greater productivity. Disagreements also can lead to better working relationships, but only if everyone involved fights fair.
Here are the other two healthy conflict behaviors to look for so that you can say “thank you” when you see them.
In the face of an interpersonal conflict, our brains register a threat in approximately 1/5 of a second. We immediately go into fight, flight or freeze mode, and it’s easy to become snippy, short-tempered, sarcastic, surly or silent. It’s reacting rather than considering how to respond.
If your colleague is willing and able to stop his automatic reaction, and demonstrate emotionally intelligent self-management by speaking to you calmly and with care, thank him. It likely took some work to be able to do that, and some respect for you to be willing to do it.
Try saying this: “I just want to thank you for the calm tone of voice you’re using right now, even though I know you’re upset. It makes it easy for me to really hear your perspective, and to have a productive conversation.”
As radio host Bernard Meltzer once said, “If you have learned how to disagree without being disagreeable, then you have discovered the secret of getting along — whether it be business, family relations or life itself.”
- Being curious
Healthy communication navigates and balances between two practices: advocacy (promoting our own ideas, perspectives and points of view) and inquiry (being curious about the other’s ideas, perspectives and points of view.)
In a conflict, we tend to over-rely on advocacy — telling the other person what we think and know, why we’re right, and why the other person clearly is wrong. Inquiry tends to go out the door. We’re often more committed to getting our way than to getting new information that could sway us (or, heaven forbid, reveal that we were wrong).
When you hear your colleague asking you questions like, “What do you think I’m not understanding here?” or “What would you like to see happen?” or even prompting you with “Tell me more,” thank him for being curious.
Try saying this: “Thank you for asking me. I’d like to tell you how I see it, and then I’d like to learn more about how you see it.”
And if he also really listens to your answers, thank him again.
A conflict doesn’t have to hurt people’s feelings or slow down productivity. In fact, a conflict where both people care about the relationship as much as the outcome can be a catalyst to interpersonal and organizational progress.
This week’s focus is on being calm during conflict. Do you know how to fight fair? Can you use a respectful tone without getting defensive? Can you see how being curious could help create healthier relationships?
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Word-Of-the-Week #714: Conflict
April 12, 2018 by Susan Clarke · Comments Off on Word-Of-the-Week #714: Conflict
Conflict – a clash of opposing feelings or needs.
Does conflict make you feel uncomfortable? How does it make you feel if someone doesn’t share your same opinion? How willing are you to speak up if you disagree with someone?
“Thanks for the conflict! Recognizing—and appreciating—when a co-worker fights fair” is this week’s topic from the Chicago Tribune article by Deborah Grayson Riegel. She writes, “If your company employs more than one person, workplace conflict is inevitable.
And even if you’re a sole proprietor, you’re going to have challenges with clients, vendors, industry colleagues and others. Unless you only surround yourself with people who think, speak and work exactly like you (and how boring would that be?), you are going to come up against people who challenge your ideas and who challenge you.
That’s a good thing. Disagreements can lead to diversity of thinking, improvements in products and services and greater productivity. Disagreements also can lead to better working relationships, but only if everyone involved fights fair.
Let’s assume you already do; you communicate directly and thoughtfully, you are considerate in your language and tone, you engage others in a dialogue rather than a monologue, and you are focused on achieving a good outcome and a healthy relationship. Good for you! But how do you get your colleague to do the same?
How can you work better with someone who may be working against you? By acknowledging and thanking him or her for demonstrating agreeable disagreement behaviors whenever they occur.
Here are three healthy conflict behaviors to look for so that you can say “thank you” when you see them.
- Telling you directly
In the words of Napoleon Bonaparte, “The people to fear are not those who disagree with you, but those who disagree with you and are too cowardly to let you know.”
As uncomfortable as it feels to hear negative feedback or be confronted directly, it is significantly more uncomfortable (and less productive) to have a colleague who is secretly seething, holding a grudge, acting passive-aggressively toward you or telling everyone but you that she has a problem with you.
When a colleague tells you directly that she is frustrated with you, seeing a situation differently from you or otherwise feeling disgruntled, consider it a gift. If you know, you can do something about it (or make an informed decision not to do anything about it). If you don’t know, you’re in the dark.
Try saying this: “Thank you so much for telling me directly that you (didn’t like my decision/felt disrespected by me in the meeting/wished I had consulted with you). I appreciate you trusting me enough to share that feedback. Would you like to discuss it further?”
The other two ideas follow next week. This week’s focus is on dealing with conflict. Do you communicate thoughtfully and directly if you’re in disagreement? Does it make you feel uncomfortable to hear negative feedback or be confronted directly? How would it feel to acknowledge and thank someone for demonstrating agreeable disagreement behavior?
I LOVE feedback! Join my Facebook community on my FUN-damentals Fan Page.
WOW Word-Of-the-Week #418: Conflict
August 8, 2012 by Susan Clarke · Comments Off on WOW Word-Of-the-Week #418: Conflict
Conflict – a state of opposition between ideas, interests, etc.; disagreement or controversy.
Does conflict make you feel uncomfortable? Do you believe that you can agree to disagree? How does it make you feel if someone doesn’t share your same opinion?
Brigid Duffield is long time friend, attorney, and fellow speaker. She is the author of “The NO BS Divorce” and last month sent this 4th of July message. I will be sharing “10 Reasons Why Conflict Has Positive Outcomes” in my next two WOW’s.
“We often forget that conflict can be positive and can result in Great things, like the founding of our Nation! As we celebrate our Nation’s Heritage, and the freedom we enjoy…as a direct result of conflict, we want to remind you that…..
1. Conflict helps people find common ground. Although it is easy to get stuck arguing about who did what, to who and why, identifying and confronting these issues often focuses people on alternative and different ways to resolve a common problem and find a common, acceptable solution.
2. Conflict teaches people about their negotiation styles and what works and what doesn’t. Understanding your negotiation style often requires an assessment of your conflict resolution style. How you react to different points of view, spiritual differences, different emotional responses during times of stress and conflict can help you take on other conflicts whether they be at home, at the work place or in a social setting. Knowing that you may have more challenges if you are hungry, angry, lonely, tired or even sick, ensures that you will avoid conflict until a time that you are better equipped to resolve it.
3. Conflicts are an opportunity to learn about your spouse, partner, friend, family member, neighbor, coworker or stranger. Conflicts arising from differing personalities can help you figure out how to problem solve and maybe even work well together in other arenas. Sometimes it is just the vessel it is coming from. I frequently say that my husband can tell me something and I think “Are you nuts?” My sisters or girlfriends can tell me the exact same thing, I think they are “genius'”…Knowing that the vessel itself creates the conflict makes it easier to listen “for” the message, not “to” the messenger.
4. Conflict creates an opportunity to be creative and can stretch you to find solutions that are outside of your comfort level. Constructively addressing conflict encourages you and others to bring new ideas to the table to help solve disputes. It may require…okay, force you to see something from someone else’s perspective.
5. Healthy conflicts often end with a win-win solution. When someone is able to honestly state their different opinion, and the listener can really hear and respect the differences, the two often find alternatives that work for both of them…and those they come in contact with…though neither may get everything he or she wants.”
This week’s focus is on conflict. Have you ever been able to turn a conflict into a positive solution? Are you able to see things from another person’s perspective? Have you ever had a win-win situation come out of conflict?
“The No BS Divorce” is available on Amazon
Reader Responses
“As we move farther into the presidential campaign, we see conflict all of the time, especially differing ideas in how to move the country forward economically. But in order for the conflict to bring about positive change, there has to be compromise on both sides. However, if one side is intransigent and unwilling to change it makes it difficult to get anything accomplished. A good example is last summer’s showdown on the country’s debt ceiling. The President made offers and compromises with the Speaker of the House, who took the deal back to his GOP caucus in the House, which shot it down, resulting in a drop in the country’s credit rating. Politics is the art of compromise, but if one side won’t budge there won’t be any change. In work situations where I have faced conflict, I weighed the pros and cons and then worked out some kind of compromise. Sometimes pride can get involved, which complicates the relationship. While my wife and I have our share of conflicts, we at least talk out the pros and cons and come to a reasonable conclusion. To my wife’s credit, she has a great deal of common sense and that makes her a positive “messenger.” I just to have to learn to be a little less stubborn, and things usually work out. Great word, Susan. Thanks. Have a great weekend. “Warrior” Joe