Word-Of-the-Week #950: Brighten

October 20, 2022 by · Comments Off on Word-Of-the-Week #950: Brighten 

Brighten to make or become cheerful.

Do you know how easy it is to brighten someone’s day? When’s the last time you sent someone a handwritten note in the mail? When’s the last time someone sent you one? How did that make you feel?

“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a tent with a mosquito.” ~African Proverb

Since I am on vacation, I am taking the liberty of re-running this. I don’t think we can be reminded enough the importance of being kind and thoughtful each day.

The week’s inspiration comes from “8 Simple Ways to Brighten Someone’s Day,” By Krista Butler. I will share her are eight ideas in 2 WOW’s

“I have a love-hate relationship with airports.

On the one hand, it’s the perfect place to people-watch. I mean, how can you not tear up when you see a kid running to give a returning parent a giant hug? Or two lovers reuniting and smiling from ear to ear when they lay eyes on each other? You are witness to perfect snippets of pure, genuine emotional connection.

On the other hand, airports can be a drag. Long line-ups, having to chug my water bottle because I usually forget to empty it beforehand, taking my shoes off and stepping on my tiptoes to avoid my bare feet touching the cold airport floor.

But on my latest visit to the airport, my negative attitude vanished all because of one airport security employee.

As I was standing in line doing a mental inventory of all the liquids I would need to empty out of my purse, she was directing people through the line up in the best possible way. She was yelling positive messages like, “Life is good!” and “It’s a great day!”

What a rare and beautiful thing to do.

It put a smile on my face and truly impacted my flight and rest of the day. Her joie de vivre was contagious.

I never would have expected this from an airport security employee.

Which got me thinking, how can I brighten someone’s day within my normal realm of work?

1. Leave inspirational notes in random places.

Books in the library, on people’s car window, under your lover’s pillow, wherever.

How awesome would it walk into a public restroom and find a sticky-note on the mirror that says something like, “Make it a great day”? I predict it will also be just as awesome and exhilarating to be the one to leave the note.

2. Thank someone.

Who in your life has positively impacted you? A teacher, your mom, your brother, an old neighbor, a coach? Send them an email and share a memory and your gratitude for the positive influence they’ve had in your life.

3. Be curious about someone.

Make eye contact and smile. Acknowledge their existence and engage them in conversation. Learn something about them. A two-minute conversation can brighten the day for both of you.

4. Send a handwritten note.

Who doesn’t love getting mail? There’s a total thrill in seeing an envelope with your name on it. Surprise someone with a handwritten note just because. I can almost guarantee they will smile ear-to-ear when they receive it.

When you brighten someone’s day, you are simultaneously stirring up positive energy within yourself. And you’ll carry this energy with you throughout your day. It’s a great feeling.

So I challenge you to ask yourself, how can something I do today surprise and delight another individual?”

This week is all about brightening someone’s day! How often do you do random acts of kindness? How good are you at listening and finding out about someone? When was the last time someone brightened your day?

I LOVE feedback! Join my Facebook community on my FUN-damentals Fan Page.

Word-Of-the-Week #887: Brighten

August 5, 2021 by · Comments Off on Word-Of-the-Week #887: Brighten 

Brighten – to make or become cheerful. 

Do you know how easy it is to brighten someone’s day? How often do you smile at complete strangers? How often do you send a handwritten note?

This week is a follow up “Try These 30 Random Acts of Kindness to Brighten Someone’s Day” by Cecilia Meis.

“Acting generously not only heightens your happiness, it also releases nearly 50 percent more of oxytocin—the feel-good chemical in your brain—and boosts creativity, resilience and problem-solving skills. My month of kindness taught me that generosity doesn’t have to be a big production. Something as small as a conversation can boost your mood and spread good vibes to those around you.

Related: How 30 Days of Kindness Made Me a Better Person

Follow my happiness challenge using the examples below. Add your own generous acts and reflect on how it changes your mood and boosts positive emotions.

  1. Buy coffee for the person in line behind you.
  2. Start a conversation with a stranger.
  3. Make a meal for a friend who’s stressed.
  4. Donate your time to a local charity.
  5. Buy a hot meal for a homeless person.
  6. Compliment a stranger.
  7. Ask someone about their day and actively listen.
  8. Call up an old friend and reconnect.
  9. Bring a snack or dessert to share at the office.
  10. Compliment a friend.
  11. Write a letter to an extended family member.
  12. Give a copy of your favorite book to a stranger.
  13. Leave a handwritten thank-you note for the office cleaning staff.
  14. Offer to help an overwhelmed friend or co-worker.
  15. Baby-sit a friend’s children so they can have alone time or go on a date with their spouse.
  16. Introduce yourself to a new co-worker. Invite him or her to lunch.
  17. Sign up to read at a children’s reading hour at the library or a local bookstore.
  18. Put money in a stranger’s parking meter.
  19. Leave a random uplifting note on someone’s windshield.
  20. Offer to keep a friend company while they run errands.
  21. Leave a large tip for no reason.
  22. Take your supervisor out to lunch and thank them for what they do.
  23. Call your parents and have them share an old memory that makes them smile.
  24. Smile at everyone you encounter for a day.
  25. Reach out to your favorite childhood teacher. Thank them for their role in your life.
  26. Bring coffee or lunch to someone you don’t like. Make an effort to let go of your negative feelings.
  27. Donate blood.
  28. Have a conversation with a friend and focus on speaking less. Say, “Tell me more.”
  29. Make an anonymous donation to a local charity.
  30. Drop off dessert at your local law enforcement station.

This week’s focus is to brighten someone’s day. Have you ever done something kind and unexpected for someone? Did you feel a boost of happiness? Did you get any good new ideas to brighten someone’s day?

I LOVE feedback! Join my Facebook community on my FUN-damentals Fan Page.

Word-Of-the-Week #853: Brighten

December 10, 2020 by · Comments Off on Word-Of-the-Week #853: Brighten 

Brighten to make or become cheerful.

Do you know how easy it is to brighten someone’s day? When’s the last time you sent someone a handwritten note in the mail? When’s the last time someone sent you one? How did that make you feel?

“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a tent with a mosquito.” ~African Proverb

The week’s inspiration comes from “8 Simple Ways to Brighten Someone’s Day,” By Krista Butler. I will share her are eight ideas in 2 WOW’s

“I have a love-hate relationship with airports.

On the one hand, it’s the perfect place to people-watch. I mean, how can you not tear up when you see a kid running to give a returning parent a giant hug? Or two lovers reuniting and smiling from ear to ear when they lay eyes on each other? You are witness to perfect snippets of pure, genuine emotional connection.

On the other hand, airports can be a drag. Long line-ups, having to chug my water bottle because I usually forget to empty it beforehand, taking my shoes off and stepping on my tiptoes to avoid my bare feet touching the cold airport floor.

But on my latest visit to the airport, my negative attitude vanished all because of one airport security employee.

As I was standing in line doing a mental inventory of all the liquids I would need to empty out of my purse, she was directing people through the line up in the best possible way. She was yelling positive messages like, “Life is good!” and “It’s a great day!”

What a rare and beautiful thing to do.

It put a smile on my face and truly impacted my flight and rest of the day. Her joie de vivre was contagious.

I never would have expected this from an airport security employee.

Which got me thinking, how can I brighten someone’s day within my normal realm of work?

1. Leave inspirational notes in random places.

Books in the library, on people’s car window, under your lover’s pillow, wherever.

How awesome would it walk into a public restroom and find a sticky-note on the mirror that says something like, “Make it a great day”? I predict it will also be just as awesome and exhilarating to be the one to leave the note.

2. Thank someone.

Who in your life has positively impacted you? A teacher, your mom, your brother, an old neighbor, a coach? Send them an email and share a memory and your gratitude for the positive influence they’ve had in your life.

3. Be curious about someone.

Make eye contact and smile. Acknowledge their existence and engage them in conversation. Learn something about them. A two-minute conversation can brighten the day for both of you.

4. Send a handwritten note.

Who doesn’t love getting mail? There’s a total thrill in seeing an envelope with your name on it. Surprise someone with a handwritten note just because. I can almost guarantee they will smile ear-to-ear when they receive it.

When you brighten someone’s day, you are simultaneously stirring up positive energy within yourself. And you’ll carry this energy with you throughout your day. It’s a great feeling.

So I challenge you to ask yourself, how can something I do today surprise and delight another individual?”

This week is all about brightening someone’s day! How often do you do random acts of kindness? How good are you at listening and finding out about someone? When was the last time someone brightened your day?

I LOVE feedback! Join my Facebook community on my FUN-damentals Fan Page.