WOW Word-Of-the-Week #510: Invaluable
May 14, 2014 by Susan Clarke · Comments Off on WOW Word-Of-the-Week #510: Invaluable
Invaluable – having great value that is impossible to calculate; priceless.
How knowledgeable are you when it comes to your job? Would your peers consider you an expert in any area? Are you reliable when it comes to getting an assignment done? Do your managers and co-workers trust that you will do what you say you will do?
This week’s WOW comes from long time friend and subscriber, Joe. This seemed perfect after the last series on branding that focused on:
B = Build
R = Reflect
A = Actions Speak
N = Network Nonstop
D = Decide Today
He writes, “Someone told me a number of years ago that all we have in this life after everything is taken away is our name and our reputation. We have to work hard professionally in order to keep that good name and reputation.
In this day and age of corporate, branding seems to be the catch word. How we cultivate that brand will go a long way toward determining how far we go. Being knowledgeable in what it is we do is key. Since people talk in offices, once we are known for being knowledgeable in a way that will help others in the office. That is how we become “experts” to our co-workers. Word then spreads and we become the go-to people to solve problems.
The second is reliability. If we are seen as reliable and can get the job done for people in the office, co-workers will feel comfortable about coming to us at deadline. We will not only be there, but take care of rushes.
Finally, trust. We can obtain the trust of our co-workers by our consistency. Trust is also the hardest to obtain and to keep. Building trust on a daily basis is key. Once we do that, we can be invaluable not only to our co-workers but to the company in general.”
This week’s focus is on being invaluable. What value do you bring to your organization? Are you known as “the go-to person” to solve a problem? Do your peers feel comfortable coming to you when they need help? Do you have the trust of your co-workers and supervisors?
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WOW Word-Of-the-Week #509: Networking
May 7, 2014 by Susan Clarke · Comments Off on WOW Word-Of-the-Week #509: Networking
Networking – making contacts where you work, with outside professionals and in your community.
How good are you at connecting with the people at work? Do you belong to any outside professional groups or involved in your community? What would those contacts know and then say to others about your capabilities?
This week’s WOW is the follow up to the last two week’s from the San Diego UT article titled, “How to build your personal, professional brand.” Personal branding is an elusive topic to most people, yet it is important for career success. Wise professionals with career success know it can mean the difference between landing that dream job and never getting noticed.
“You may think you don’t need a brand, but the reality is that you already have one,” says Jana Fallon, vice president, Executive Development for Prudential Financial. She recommends five specific actions you can take today to improve your brand reputation. This week I will share the last two.
N = Network Nonstop
To get others to recognize your brand, you have to market yourself. This clearly takes time and effort, but it can be done effectively if you follow these key steps. To share your brand, network in the organization you work in, outside with other professional contacts and in your community. Make yourself visible to those that can influence your career. The key to a successful professional brand is having strong “word-of-mouth marketing” from friends, co-workers, customers and other contacts. Having a strong brand means finding ways to network and manage what those contacts know and then say to others about your capabilities.
D = Decide Today
“Decide to make managing your professional brand a priority,” Fallon says. “Carve out time each week to fine tune and evolve your defined brand. Make time to reflect and try out new behaviors and to expand your network. There is real power in knowing where you are focused and letting others know for what you aspire to be known.”
This week’s focus is on networking. How comfortable are you marketing yourself? Have you made yourself visible to those that can influence your career? Do you have strong “word-of-mouth marketing” from friends, co-workers, customers and other contacts?
I LOVE feedback! Join my Facebook community on my FUN-damentals Fan Page.
WOW Word-Of-the-Week #508: Authentic
April 30, 2014 by Susan Clarke · Comments Off on WOW Word-Of-the-Week #508: Authentic
Authentic – genuine; real.
How did you do last week coming up with three or four characteristics that describe what you offer or aspire to offer? What are your strengths and what you do really well? Do you consistently exhibit your own authentic behavior?
This week’s WOW is the follow up to last week’s from a San Diego UT article titled, “How to build your personal, professional brand.” Personal branding is an elusive topic to most people, yet it is important for career success. Wise professionals with career success know it can mean the difference between landing that dream job and never getting noticed.
“You may think you don’t need a brand, but the reality is that you already have one,” says Jana Fallon, vice president, Executive Development for Prudential Financial. She recommends five specific actions you can take today to improve your brand reputation. This week I will share the next two.
R = Reflect
Reflect on your strengths and liabilities frequently. What is the unique value that you have to offer and what do you aspire to be? Think about your strengths and what you do really well. What do you want to be known for in business? What differentiates you? Use those reflections to establish your unique brand. Perhaps you want to be known as a very curious, engaged consultant. Or perhaps your unique brand is one of intelligence, candor and strong ethics.
A = Actions Speak
In order to sustain your brand, you have to act accordingly. Your behaviors and the decisions you make daily impact your brand. Be bold in defining your brand and then have the courage to live up to that brand promise. If you are finding it challenging to start living your brand, find someone that has a style, behavior or an approach that you admire. Emulate what works. Try it yourself and see if it feels right for you. Experiment until you find your own authentic behavior.
This week’s focus is on being authentic. What do you aspire to be? What is the unique value that you have to offer? If you need help who do you know that has a style, behavior or an approach that you admire?
I LOVE feedback! Join my Facebook community on my FUN-damentals Fan Page.
WOW Word-Of-the-Week #507: Branding
April 23, 2014 by Susan Clarke · Comments Off on WOW Word-Of-the-Week #507: Branding
Branding – the promise of the value you will deliver.
Do you have a personal, professional brand? What qualities are you known for that could get you that new job or the promotion you want? What does your professional reputation say about you?
This week’s WOW comes from a San Diego Union article titled, “How to build your personal, professional brand.” Personal branding is an elusive topic to most people, yet it is important for career success. Wise professionals with career success know it can mean the difference between landing that dream job and never getting noticed.
“You may think you don’t need a brand, but the reality is that you already have one,” says Jana Fallon, vice president, Executive Development for Prudential Financial. “By managing that professional reputation you already have, you increase your chances of being known for qualities that can land your dream job or get you noticed by a company you have always wanted to work for. If you do start actively managing your brand, you can find real power in knowing and sharing what your unique differentiators are.
Fallon recommends five specific actions you can take today to improve your brand reputation. This week I will share the first one.
Build your brand by first defining what you want that brand to be. To make this simpler, it should include no more than three or four characteristics that describe what you offer or aspire to offer. It is good to be aspirational but it also must be realistic. If you are having trouble getting started, begin by asking people you trust what they immediately associate with you. Ask for honest feedback and listen to what you hear.
This week’s focus is on your personal branding. What are your top four characteristics that describe what you offer? Who do you trust to give you honest feedback on this?
I LOVE feedback! Join my Facebook community on my FUN-damentals Fan Page.