Word-Of-the-Week #851: Blessings

November 26, 2020 by  

Blessingsthings promoting or contributing to happiness, well-being, or prosperity; a boon.

When was the last time you counted your blessings? Are you appreciative and grateful for all that you have even in these craziest of times?

This week I am sharing excerpts from Take a Moment to ‘Count Your Blessings.’

“There are certain times of the year when we stop and think about all the things that make us happy or bring us joy. Some people even make a list of these things and we have a saying for this: to count your blessings.

When we count our blessings, we note all the wonderful things in our lives. This helps us to appreciate how good life is.

And today is a time when many Americans count their blessings.

Counting your blessings is important. It shows that you are gratefulGratitude is a feeling of appreciation or thanks. When people count their blessings, they can say it like this: “I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for my friends. I am thankful for my health.”

It is better to be grateful for our blessings than to take them for granted. When we take something for granted, we do not appreciate it. Sometimes we are not appreciative of our good fortune and blessings until they are gone.”

And being thankful has its health benefits. Researchers at the University of California-Davis, Cornell and the University of Michigan found that people “who have a plethora of events for which they feel grateful bounce back more quickly from trauma, can undo the negative effects of stress and have lower blood pressure.”

A USA Today article said to, “Notice small things. Experts almost universally agree that some of the most significant blessings are also the most seemingly insignificant acts. Take note of a nice day, a spectacular sunset, a moonlit night.”

I personally am so grateful for all that I have in my life. I am thankful to have been able to travel and experience so many different cultures. And I am very thankful to live in the “best place on the planet” with an abundance of everything. (And great paved roads) I have wonderful friends and family and the LOVE OF MY LIFE, Chris. I just don’t think it can get any better than that!

This week focus on all your blessings. What are you grateful for in your personal and professional life? When was the last time you told your customers, guests, clients, members, friends and family how much you appreciate having them in your life? This week make it a point to “notice the small things” too. And have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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