Word-Of-the-Week #799: Thankful
November 28, 2019 by Susan Clarke
Thankful – appreciative and grateful.
Are you appreciative and grateful for all that you have? Do you acknowledge and thank people when they do something that is of benefit or favorable to you? When you do something kind or giving to someone, do they thank you? How does that make you feel?
Today is the day we give thanks and I am sharing “words of wisdom” that really resonated with me. This from SD Tribune Neil Senturia on “9 reasons why this columnist is thankful on Thanksgiving.” I’m only listing #9 today to keep it short.
“The Challenge. “May you live in interesting times,” is an old saying. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Embrace the insanity, because it is exactly that which keeps you sane.
My final thanks are personal. I am reasonably healthy, and I deeply acknowledge the good fortune that I have received. And so I give thanks that I can continue to try to do better, to improve the lot of others, to make people laugh from time to time, to remain engaged in this world — in other words, I am thankful to be alive.
I am always deeply moved when I read the New York Times Neediest Cases stories. They have been doing this for 100 years, but you don’t have to travel to the Big Apple to see this world. Those stories are right here, right now, up close and personal. Do not give up. The journey always starts with the first step. And finally, remember that there but for the grace of God go all of us.”
Rule 655: Count your blessings.
This from Bill Marvin, “You have enough on your plate right now (pun intended), but while we enjoy our abundance, many in the world are hungry today … and with what has to be one of the best uses of the Internet that I know of, you can do something about it.
Go to The Hunger Site, click on the “Donate Free Food” button and somewhere in the world a hungry person gets a meal to eat, at no cost to you. The food is paid for by corporate sponsors who gain exposure in the process because you’ll see their logos, but all you have to do is go to the site and click on the donate food button. It literally takes a second … and you can do it once a day. Pass the word.”
- And being thankful has its health benefits. Researchers at the University of California-Davis, Cornell and the University of Michigan found that people “who have a plethora of events for which they feel grateful bounce back more quickly from trauma, can undo the negative effects of stress and have lower blood pressure.”
A USA Today article said to, “Notice small things. Experts almost universally agree that some of the most significant blessings are also the most seemingly insignificant acts. Take note of a nice day, a spectacular sunset, a moonlit night.”
I personally am so grateful for all that I have in my life. I am thankful to have been able to travel and experience so many different cultures. And I am very thankful to live in the “best place on the planet” with an abundance of everything. (And great paved roads) I have wonderful friends and family and the love of my life! I don’t think it can get any better than that!
This week focus on being thankful. What are you grateful for in your personal and professional life? When was the last time you told your customers, guests, clients, members, friends and family how much you appreciate having them in your life? This week make it a point to thank someone and then notice how they respond. And have a Happy Thanksgiving!
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