FUN-travel: Jubilant Japan in Bloom! – Hakone
April 24, 2018 by Susan Clarke
…see Mt. Fuji via the local train…
…to the Hakone Cable Car…
…to the Hakone Ropeway…
…to the Pirate Ship Cruise.
Arrived to blustery wind & rain…
…so just not gonna happen!
- Alternate Plan B…
…take short 15 minute walk…
…to two temples…
…both closed…
…try one more another 10 minutes…
…spectacularly beautiful built into the mountain…
…with waterfalls on each side…
…but alas it too was closed.
- Alternate Plan C…
FUN-fact – When the wind blows…the spent cherry blossoms…mimic a snow flurry…as the petals flutter to the ground.
More FF – We were on our own without a guide the last 2 days and managed to get on & off all trains and get where we needed to go just fine!