Word Of the Week #558: Rejection

April 15, 2015 by  

Rejection – what you experience when you are refused or snubbed.

How does rejection make you feel? Does it make you feel exhilarated? Does it make you feel sad, depressed, or want to retreat?

This week’s WOW comes from my long time friend and massage therapist Sandra, who had just gotten the game called Rejection Therapy. There are 30 cards in the deck, one for each day of the month, assigning you a task that could bring rejection.

Jason Comely created the game in 2010 and writes, “Rejection Therapy™ is the real life game with one rule. The game is designed for anyone who wants to build confidence and overcome fear of rejection. Rejection Therapy will show you how rejection can be an exciting and positive experience.

Emotions like fear and anger are viral and indiscriminate. They undermine your sense of control and self worth. If you allow these mental states to exist, they tend to spill over into other aspects of your life.

a reject

When you go through the process and play Rejection Therapy card by card, picking off rejections one by one, starting small and moving up, you uncover trouble spots and learn to overcome them. I call it Fear Management. You discover ways to manage your fear so you can get that rejection. And you have fun doing it.

All the cards are exercises for approaching others – be it women, men, or any variation thereof. The concept behind it is to show you how rejection can be an exciting and positive experience.

Once you get the rejection, the fear shrinks and confidence in yourself grows in all aspects of your life.

The five objectives of Rejection Therapy are:

  1. To be more aware of how irrational social fears control and restrict our lives
  2. Smash the tyranny of fear and reap the treasures (treasures include wealth, relationships and    self-confidence)
  3. Learn from, and even enjoy rejection
  4. To not be attached to outcomes, especially when it involves the free agency of other people
  5. Permit yourself to fail

This week’s focus is on rejection. How comfortable are you asking for something from a stranger? Has the fear of “making a mistake” or the fear of “looking foolish” ever stopped you from doing something? How would it feel to have the confidence to ask for anything you want without the fear of rejection?

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