Word Of the Week #547: Achievement

January 28, 2015 by  

Achievement: something that has been accomplished.

What achievements have you made in the last year? What would like to accomplish this year with regard to your job? How about your personal life?

This week’s WOW comes from long time friend and subscriber Joe who had this to say about WOW # 545 on Success. He writes, Susan: Success means different things to different people.

I know that for my Irish immigrant father, success was making enough money to take care of seven children. As a child of the depression, money was an important security blanket for my dad.

My father loves to count his money. It makes him feel good. That is success for my father. That he has money in his hands, his wallet, in the bank.

 My perspective on success has changed as I have watched my two daughters grow. I used to view success in terms of where I was in my career and when I achieved it. While I have not achieved everything I wanted in my career – YET – I have done pretty well.

But at this stage in my life – mid 50s – I look at my success not in career terms, but as a human being. I have beena achievement blessed with a good wife and two healthy, happy daughters who are achieving successes in school and music activities. 

Both girls are confident and well-adjusted, with good friends who care about them.

To me, this is SUCCESS. My wife and I have raised two young ladies who will be responsible citizens making important contributions. I guess you could say they are a success legacy.

I am grateful for the ladies in my life, who have helped define success for me every day.

And one thing I have learned is, don’t let someone try to dismiss your achievements no matter how small! There have been times when I took lots of “baby steps” to get me where I am today.

This week’s focus is on your achievements? Is your focus only on your career? Have you ever considered the accomplishments you’ve made in your personal life? Do you ever feel that what you want to achieve is just too big so what’s the use in even trying? How would it feel to start taking “baby steps?”

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