Word Of the Week #3: Fun
March 29, 2009 by Susan Clarke
Fun: what provides amusement or enjoyment: playfulness.
I say grow down, not up! It seems the older people get the more serious they become. A famous quote reads, “You don’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing.”
People want to feel good about spending their money! When you walk into a business and the staff is in good spirits and having fun, doesn’t that automatically put you in a good mood?
Southwest Airlines is the epitome of people who are having fun in their job!
Having fun is what you display. Focus on having fun this week and think about how it makes you feel!
Reader Responses
“I have always believed that one must have “FUN” in the workplace. I always try to foster a relationship and environment of fun at work with my employees (TEAM). That doesn’t mean we aren’t serious about what we do, but instead it provides the energy and closeness to be able to have that professional environment (in a competitive business for great employees) that captures and brings out the talents of our staff to exceed member expectations in a consistent and professional manner.” — Don Vance
“Susan, it is so good to hear your wisdom and smarts. Your thoughts are very applicable to every day life! In addition to have happy employees
and smiling faces, motivated employees contribute big time with their input and suggestions, there is so much talent out there, we just need to tap the resources and not forget to give praise and credit.” — Kurt Bishofberger
“Actually, I took a part of your message and expanded on it, so let me send you the entire piece. See the attached message I wrote. The article I am sending you is one that I publish monthly in our Club Newsletter to our
Membership. I hope you will enjoy it.
Sure you can do with it whatever you would like. We (you and I) share in the same message to individuals. I knew I liked you when I heard you speak at our Alabama CMAA Education Program in Birmingham, Alabama.Thanks” — Don Vance